
[email protected]
mobile: (+39) 3358235346
skype: igino.manfre

October 2010

Born in Rome in 1955,
European Citizen, Italian Nationality
Social Security Code MNFGNI55H14H501N;


1985, laurea (italian higher bs) in electronic engineering (analog and digital hardware design) at "La Sapienza" University of Rome with the thesis Optical Data Storage: from the barcode to holographic memories [103/110].

Current Activity

Free lance designer of broadcast systems and related ICT management systems. Broadcast Video Consultant.

More than 30 years of experience in ICT. Since 1988 as designer and system integrator of ICT systems for electronic publishing (videodisc, CD) and in the last 30 years in television area. As Stream's MPEG lab technical manager since 1995 to 2001, my leading interest has been video compression within which I've had the opportunity (even collaborating with CSELT since 1989) to live the birth and evolution of digital broadcasting toward MPEG and h264 within DVB framework.
In broadcast area collaborating to the set-up (design and management) of Telecom Italia's Stream, the first MPEG based Video on Demand over ADSL of the world (a clone of Bell Atlantic Stargazer), after become the first DVB cable Tv and, last DVB satellite operator [since 2001 merged with Tele+ in Sky Italia].
I saw the birth of Digital Terrestrial Television, from the first announcements (Montreux 1999) to the collaboration with national standardisation bodies toward the Italian analog switch-off.
As consultant I contributed to the roll-out of IpTV in Italy with about all the italian Telco (I always reccomended: let people do their job: the telcos and content provider/supplier make their - different - work better).
As consultant I collaborated (2006-2009) to the technical design and trainings aspects of HP (Hewlett Packard, now HP Enterprise) Rome Digital Media Lab, a worldwide reference at corporate level.
Since february 2013 I've collaborated to the project Transition to Tapeless (T3 or Tcube) of RAI, Italian National Broadcaster

The updated CV can be browsed or downloaded here


Since the mid 90ies I followed exhibitions and congresses worldwide, and from 1997 I'm SMPTE active member,
In spring 2005 as consultant I collaborated to the move of production and transmission plant of Orbit WLL from Italy to Bahrain.
In early 90ies with Alcatel Bell I partecipated to the realization of a prototypal optical disc based complete multimedia electronic documentation system for telephone switching systems (Multimedia2Go, an Impact European project).
Between 1997 and 1999 on behalf of Stream I care a project of the fourth E.U. framework program finalized to the usage of video and virtual reality segments in the e-commerce applications at the time still rolling out (Teleshoppe, AC99).


I Held some lessons in masters focussed on broadcast video and media management at Rome La Sapienza University (Communications dpt, 2005, 2006, Mathematics dpt 2008) and at ELIS (1999, 2000, 2006).

Foreign Languages

Fluent professional spoken and written English (frequent travels in Europe and abroad since 80ies, english technical text writing).
Basic french and spanish (south America [1988], France and Belgium [many times], Algeria [1985, 1989])

Information Technology Knowledge

  • realtime and offline video encoding systems, broadcast/content encoder, targetting internet narrow/broadband diffusion.
    Subjective and Objective quality evaluation.
  • multiplexing, transrating, transcoding, transmultiplexing environments.
  • convergent systems design, (broadcast television - internet bridging)
  • etherogeneous operating environment (Unix [Irix, Linux, Solaris], Windows, others),
    in physical as well virtual environment (such as VmWare)
  • system management, LAN design, bridging and gatewaying between networking and broadcast television, streaming
  • usage of network troubleshooting and management instruments
  • any office automation and graphical software as worktools (for design and ordinary office activity).


Reading, biking, walk in the nature


Immediate through reservation, preferrably within a structured collaboration plan.

Short CV in EU formatcomplete CV in European format

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